Can you get real followers
on Instagram with Instafollowers?

You bet! is a tool for you to get followers by posting good content regularly, follow others or like other people's post so they become aware of you and follow you back.

So depending on the quality and frequency of your posts you get real people to become interested in your profile. I made sure that they got curious once they came and seduced them into clicking "follow".

My favourite tool?
Mass Story Viewing

Don't get me wrong, straight follow/unfollow still works and I got many followers with this simple strategy, but it's 2021 and everybody is talking about videos and engagement. Users spend a lot of time to create interactive stories with sliders and quizzes and polls. I found that they became a lot more interested in me if I reacted to those questions. Story Voting is the technical term for it, and with Instafollowers I was able to do it at scale.

I specifically liked Spintax, a way to make my actions look more natural, more diverse, not stupidly sending the same answer or comment over and over again like a bad Instagram bot. Check out the video if you have no clue what I'm talking about.